Mail Factory

MailFactory gives you a way to render multiple E-Mails with the same template. You can define mail-templates with different variables

These templates can be used to create mails. These mails, which are created in this way can contain different subjects. A mail is also described by a reason(string). If it is necessary to trigger a mail, the reason finds the event that triggers the e-mail sending action

MailTemplate & MailTemplateVariables

Creates a html E-Mail template. Defines the variables in this E-Mail template

                    {{ greeting }}
                    {{ content }}
                    {{ signature }}

Register this Template in Database. You can use the Home Mailsystem Mail templates Adminpage You can create a MailTemplate with the following settings:

Add mail template - Name: Default Template - Html file: Select the html E-Mail Template - Alternative file:

Alternative file can be used as Template for E-Mail Text message. This two files should be have the Same Variables

  • name: greeting
    default: hi
  • name: content
    default: No Text
  • name: signature
    default: Sincerely

When this entrys are created you can use this template for any E-Mail.


Now it is possible to create mails. A “Mail” is the template for a specific reason to send a E-Mail like:

  • Registration E-Mail
  • Password Forgotten E-Mail
  • Welcome E-Mail

Create a Mail-Entry at the Home Mailsystem Mails Add mail Admin Page The subject field is the E-Mail subject. Select the template created above. you can create your own generator, or use the default generator

Reason is a slug field. This slug can be used as Identifire in the sourcecode. The reason is also important for the MailFactory class.


Now you are ready to send E-Mails

from mailsystem.utils.factory import MailFactory, MailMeta

# Create a MailMeta
mailmeta = MailMeta([""])

 user = User.objects.get(pk=1)

# Trigger the E-Mail transmission
MailFactory.trigger(reason="send_bill", meta=mailmeta, reference=user)